We are the heralds of a New Age, an era where humanity and Earth engage in a harmonious dialogue, advancing together towards a future woven with wellness, joy, and sustainability. As children of the Earth, our passion for transformative change is fueled by the sacred cacao plant. This ancient superfood is not merely an ingredient – it is our guide and inspiration, urging us on a path of heightened consciousness.
Our mission is simple yet profound, awakening the spirit within each individual and creating a world where the ideals of health, joy, and sustainability are tangible realities. We pledge to offer not just superior cacao products but a holistic experience that nourishes the body, uplifts the spirit, and elevates our minds. Our journey of discovery involves exploring the untold stories of cacao – from its mystical origins to its contemporary renaissance as a beacon of wellness and unity. Join us on this transformative journey. Together, we can reshape the world, one cacao bean at a time.
Cacao Я:Evolution
Food of the Gods
Ancient civilisations considered cacao the food of the Gods thanks to the superior effects of its ingredients, especially theobromine (theo-God, bromine-food).
Use our cacao to boost your energy level in a completely healthy and natural way. Cacao is also renowned for its mood-enhancing properties, helping you to elevate your spirit.
- Chocolate
- Dried fruit
- Spicy
Celestial Cacao
The ancient plantations on Cusco Heights, in the shadow of Machu Picchu hide the secret of Cusco cacao, one of the rarest and the most special cacao beans in the world. It is known for its exceptional taste and rich, fruity aroma. The individual trees of this cacao are hundreds of years old and preserved from destruction thanks to the devotional care of the local population.
Food of the Gods
Cacao is one of the most recommended superfoods for everyday consumption in the human diet. Ancient civilisations considered it the food of Gods due to the potent effects of its ingredients, especially theobromine (theo-God, bromine-food).
Enjoy Celestial 100% Cusco cacao to boost your energy level in a completely healthy and natural way. This sacred cacao will help you open your heart and enhance your spirit, supporting you in forging better connections within your inner and outer worlds.
- Rich
- Buttery
- Fruity
Divine Awakening Ceremonial Cacao
Food of the Gods
Ancient civilisations considered cacao the food of the Gods thanks to the superior effects of its ingredients, especially theobromine (theo-God, bromine-food).
Ceremonial Cacao
Immerse yourself in the sacred experience of the Divine Awakening cacao, ideal for conducting transformative cacao ceremonies. Infuse your daily ritual with this powerful elixir to elevate your energy & uplift your mood, supporting you in forging better connections with your inner and outer worlds.
Being blessed with an opportunity to try numerous cacao sorts from every corner of the world, we discovered the most potent cacao bean in Guatemala, deserving of the “Divine Awakening” name. This exceptional cacao is cultivated on small farms, ensuring minimum processing and handcrafted production, maintaining purity and quality in every batch.
Bez obzira kako okolnosti oko nas izgledaju, nalazimo se pred zorom Novog doba, ere u kojoj čovečanstvo i Zemlja žive u harmoniji, napredujući ka budućnosti satkane od blagostanja, zajedništva i održivosti.
Kao deca naše Pachamame, strast za transformativnom promenom pokreće nam sveta kakao biljka. Ova drevna superhrana nije samo supstanca – ona je naš vodič i inspiracija, podstičući nas na putu proširene svesti.
Naš san je jednostavan, ali moćan u isto vreme – buđenje svakog pojedinca i stvaranje sveta u kojem su ideali zdravlja, radosti, ljubavi i svetlosti opipljiva stvarnost. Naša misija je da nudimo ne samo vrhunske kakao proizvode, već i celovito iskustvo koje hrani telo, otvara srce, obogaćuje um i podiže duh.
Ovo putovanje otkrivanja uključuje i istraživanje neispričanih priča o kakau – od njegovih mističnih korena do savremene renesanse kao simbola jedinstva.
Pridružite nam se na ovom transformativnom putovanju. Zajedno možemo preoblikovati svet, jedno po jedno zrno kakaoa.